Friday, October 13, 2006

Hand Phone

I was 2+ when started to use hand phone. Now, 'YOU' is very important to me. Not only for communication but as a friend, because you are one of a few that is always with me. Usually, when I feel stressed, I find myself holding you in hand, but end up with just seeing the time when I recognize. You are the best friend, you are trustful, you never lie. When I check my friends inside you, you make me recall about the good memory I had. You even show me their face. How gentle you are. You know everything about me, my family and my friends. You are clever, you are ful of courage. I really need you to connect with my real world. You help sending my emotion to the people I think about. Your sweet shout make me excited to guess about the person who ask you to call me. When I go somewhere faraway, I really need you to show me the way, because you are so clever, you know everything. Only onething, I sometimes forget to bring your food. Not so long you fall asleep. You know, I worry alot about you.

I dont want to change your id cuz I have deep passion on you. Ofcourse I dont want to change your body. But you trouble me when you get old, you eat too often, but you timely loose your power. I'm sorry I have to change. But I only revive your body, your soul is always the same, we are connected. I can't think of not having you. I need you, I love you!


Hana said...

Your script was so romantic!
C.S right?
Please don't put my real name!

jappy said...

may be right.
thanks for your visit.

google said...

Is this called 'Mobile Phone Addict' ?

You have a good sense of

jappy said...

Not really about me.
I'm just a dreamer.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're really talking about your handphone. It's just a metaphor you make in your mind to something else.

jappy said...

Ye, I think I compared the hand phone ability to that of human. And give it the human soul.

Duongchan said...

dat`s funny♪ i`m starting to feel gradually envious of her...